
Typical Preschoolers (3/4 year olds) Day would include:

6:30 Arrival and Child Directed Play
7:30 Wash Hands and Breakfast
8:00 Child Directed Play/ Free Play
9:00 Circle Time
9:20 Centers and Small Group Activity
10:30 Outdoor play/Gross Motor
11:00 Music and Movement
11:30 Lunch
12:00 Restroom Break/Wash Hands/Quiet Books
12:20 Nap/Rest time
2:20 Wake up/Restroom Break/Wash Hands
2:30 Snack 7
3:00 Child Directed Play/Free Play
3:30 Outdoor Play/Gross Motor
5:00 Wash Hands/Child Directed Play/ Free Play until departure

Typical Pre-Kindergarten Schedule:

6:30 Free choice time
7:30 wash hands/breakfast
8:00 Classroom sign in/Table Activities
9:00 Book of the Day/ Circle Time/ Group Activities
9:30 Small Groups/ Learning Stations
10:30 Music and Movement
10:50 Outdoor Play/ Gross Motor
11:30 Wash Hands/Lunch
12:10 Clean Up/Restroom/Story Time
12:30 Rest time
2:30 Wake up/Restroom Break/Snack
3:00 Art/Science
3:30 Free Choice Time
4:00 Outdoor Play/ Gross Motor
4:30 Free choice until departure